It’s Winter Year Round Without Thaw Inside Mid-Eastern Freezer Storage’s Failsafe Facility.
Located in southern New Jersey – one of America’s agricultural and food-manufacturing centers – Mid-Eastern Cold Storage has everything food producers and finished goods processors expect in a public refrigerated storage facility, plus an uncommon capability: Blast Freezing.
We have nearly 1-million cubic feet of constantly monitored freezer storage space: 95% racked, the balance allocated to our customers’ free-stacks. Temperature is produced by 31 Kramer units (charged with non-toxic Freon) and constantly monitored. Additional units can be brought online, if required, to ensure continuous cold. Nine bays with door-seals receive tractor-trailers operated by our customers, their freight carriers, or by our logistics partner, Pipco Transportation.
Mid-Eastern’s Blast-Freezing operation consists of four rooms with a combined space of nearly 265,000 cubic feet – capable of processing of 500,000 pounds of product daily.
Our state-of-the-art inventory management system allows customers to view on-hand product, account balances, rate information, inbound receipts, outbound orders, and other inventory logistics activity.
Proof of our unusual capabilities is the long-standing rental-space contracts the company enjoys with a number of customers – some since the 1970’s. Mid-Eastern’s new management has shown a commitment to them and to its future customers by making improvements to its facility and systems. Have a company principal contact you within 24 hours via our contact form.